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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

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Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 375-489

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Solution of Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations Arising from Compartmental Models

R. E. Funderlic and J. B. Mankin

pp. 375-383

Condition Number Estimation for Sparse Matrices

Roger G. Grimes and John G. Lewis

pp. 384-388

Numerical Technique to Trace the Loci of the Complex Roots of Characteristic Equations

E. Bahar and M. Fitzwater

pp. 389-403

Multiple Solutions and Bifurcation of Finite Difference Approximations to Some Steady Problems of Fluid Dynamics

A. B. Stephens and G. R. Shubin

pp. 404-415

Solution of Large-Scale Sparse Least Squares Problems Using Auxiliary Storage

J. A. George, M. T. Heath, and R. J. Plemmons

pp. 416-429

The Multi-Grid Method for the Diffusion Equation with Strongly Discontinuous Coefficients

R. E. Alcouffe, Achi Brandt, J. E. Dendy, Jr., and J. W. Painter

pp. 430-454

A Two-Dimensional Mesh Verification Algorithm

R. B. Simpson

pp. 455-473

A Bidiagonalization-Regularization Procedure for Large Scale Discretizations of Ill-Posed Problems

Dianne P. O'Leary and John A. Simmons

pp. 474-489